Michalski M., Rałowski R., Żeberski Sz., Mycielski among trees, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (3) 271-281, 2021;
Michalski M., Rałowski R., Żeberski Sz., Nonmeasurable sets and unions with respect to tree ideals, Bull. symb. log 26 1-14, 2020;
Cieślak A., Michalski M., Universal sets for ideals, Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 66, 157-166 (2018);
Michalski M., Rediscovered theorem of Luzin, 15th Students' Science Conference (conference publication), 205-210, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, ISSN: 1732-0240, 2017;
Michalski M., On some relations between properties of invariant sigma-ideals in Polish spaces, 14th Students' Science Conference, Fundamental research questions (conference publication), 29-33, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, ISSN: 1732-0240, 2016;
Michalski M., A note on sets avoiding rational distances, 13th Students’ Science Conference (conference publication), 163-167, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, ISSN: 1732-0240, 2015;
Michalski M., Żeberski Sz., Some properties of I-Luzin sets, Topology and its Applications, 189, 122-135, 2015.
Michalski M., Rałowski R., Żeberski Sz., On algebraic sums, trees and ideals in the Cantor space, arXiv:2405.13775.
Michalski M., Rałowski R., Żeberski Sz., Around Eggleston Theorem, arXiv:2307.07020v2.
Winterschool in Abstract Analysis 2018, section Set Theory and Topology, 27.01-03.02.2018, Hejnice (Czechia), talk: "Luzin and Sierpiński sets meet trees",
III Warsztaty z Analizy Rzeczywistej, 20-21.05.2017, Konopnica, talk: "Odkopane twierdzenie Łuzina",
Winterschool in Abstract Analysis 2017, section Set Theory and Topology, 28.01-04.02.2017, Hejnice (Czechia), talk: "Universal sets for sigma-ideals",
Student's Science Conference, 22-25.09.2016, Wrocław, talk: "On some relations between properties of sigma-ideals in Polish spaces",
Winterschool in Abstract Analysis 2016, section Set Theory and Topology, 30.01-06.02.2016, Hejnice (Czechia), talk: "(Non)measurability of I-Luzin sets",
Student's Science Conference, 17-20.09.2015, Polanica-Zdrój (Poland), talk: "A note on sets avoiding rational distances",
Winterschool in Abstract Analysis 2015, section Set Theory and Topology, 31.01-07.02.2015, Hejnice (Czechia), talk: "Some properties of I-Luzin sets",
7th Young Set Theory Workshop, 12-16.05.2014, Będlewo (Poland), poster: "Luzin and Sierpiński sets- some nonmeasurable subsets of the plane and additive properties on the line",