Krzysztof Święcicki
Krzysztof Święcicki
Office: A.4.5 in building C-19
E-mail: krzysztof.swiecick [AT]
Here you can find my: Curriculum Vitae, Research statement, Teaching statement and Diversity statement.
Research Interests
- Geometric Group Theory
- Large Scale Geometry
- Nonlinear Analysis
- 3-Manifolds
Teaching at PWr
- Fall 2023: instructor for Mathematical Analysis 1, recitations for Mathematical Analysis 1, Analiza matematyczna I, Algebra z geometrią analityczną
- Spring 2023: instructor for Wstęp do modelowania matematycznego, recitations for Matematyka
- Fall 2022: instructor for Analiza matematyczna 1.1 B, recitations for Analiza matematyczna 1.1 B, Analiza matematyczna I
- Spring 2022: instructor for An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling, recitations for Analiza matematyczna 2, Analiza matematyczna 2.3 A
- Fall 2021: recitations for Analiza matematyczna I, Analiza matematyczna 1.2 A, Algebra z geometrią analityczną B
Teaching at TAMU
- Fall 2021: grader for Math 467
- Fall 2020: grader for Math 467
- Summer 2020: grader for Math 666
- Spring 2020: recitations for Math 152
- Fall 2019: recitation for Math 151
- Summer 2019 help session for Math 409
- Spring 2019 recitations for Math 151
- Fall 2018: grader for Math 636
- Summer 2018: help sessions for Math 409
- Spring 2018: recitations for Math 152
- Fall 2017: grader for Math 655
- Summer 2017: instructor for Math 142
- Fall 2016: grader for Math 636
- Summer 2016: help sessions for Math 308
- Spring 2016: recitations for Math 152H
- Fall 2015: recitations for Math 151
- Spring 2015: grader for Math 467
- Fall 2014: grader for Math 409
- Summer 2014: grader for Math 323
- Spring 2014: help sessions for Math 323
- Fall 2013: help sessions for Math 323