During the course there will be one test and one exam.
The test will take place during the tutorials, around the 9th week of the classes. The maximum number of points to be scored at the test is 70.
The exam will take place at the end of the semester, during the exam session. The maximum number of points to be scored at the exam is also 70.
Student has a possibility to solve the assignments from the assignment lists themselves and present the solutions during the classes. For each solved task, student can score 10 points. This form of scoring points is called in-class activity. It is allowed to skip 3 classes meetings (hence 6 hours in total)
without any formal excuses. If student skips more classes hours she/he will derive ndst grade from the subject.
A student cannot score more than a total of 70 points from the test and from in-class activity. Scoring 70 points and collecting at least 10 points from in-class activity
frees the student from the obligation of writing the exam and guarantees the final 5.0 grade.
Otherwise, the final grade is based on the sum of the scores from the test, in-class activity and exam. Thresholds are given below:
65 (dst)
80 (dst+)
90 (db)
105 (db+)
120 (bdb)
There also exists a possibility of getting 5.5 grade when student gets 5.0 grade from above point system.
To get it students will have to take additional oral examination. A willingness to take this exam should be reported to the Lecturer by e-mail.
Problems lists
Problems list 1
Problems list 2
Problems list 3
Problems list 4
Problems list 5
Problems list 6