- Designs for a Better Patient Journey group member (since 2022)
- Silver Medal for Long Service, President, 2022, Poland
- Scientific Hugo Steinhaus Award winner, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, 2022, Poland
- Award of the Minister of Education and Science for significant scientific achievements, 2021, Poland
- The International Stefan Banach Prize for a Doctoral Dissertation in the Mathematical Sciences jury member (since 2021)
- IFIP TC 7 Working Group 7.7 member (since 2019)
- Hugo Steinhaus Center member (since 2016)
- Polish Mathematical Society member (since 2017)
- Polish Mathematical Society Hugo Steinhaus Prize committee member (2017-2020)
- BNY Mellon Science and Wrocław University of Science and Technology Master's Thesis Competition in Applied Mathematics committee member (since 2018)
- Hugo Steinhaus Prize winner, Polish Mathematical Society, 2013, Poland
- Editor of Bernoulli News
Cooperation with OCE Venlo,
Netherlands, on
"Simulation of the
right-left crossing of a rectangle in the Boolean model",
- Participation in Eurandom-Philips project
"Self regulation in access networks", 2000-2002
- Referee for:
Advances in Applied Probability, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré,
Annals of Actuarial Science, Annals of Applied Probability,
Australian National University, Annals of Operations Research, Applicationes Mathematicae,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, ASTIN Bulletin - The Journal of the IAA,
Blatter der DGVFM, Central Commission for Degrees and Titles, Colloquium Mathematicum,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability,
Entropy, Extremes, Finance and Stochastics, IEEE Infocom,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Journal of Risk and Financial Management,
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance,
ISF, Journal of Applied Probability, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Journal of Theoretical Probability,
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, Mathematische Nachrichten, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Reviews,
Matematyka Stosowana, Mathematics of Operations Research, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,
Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, NCN, North American Actuarial Journal, North American Journal of Economics and Finance,
NSF, MNiSW, Operations Research Letters, Performance conference,
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, PW, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management,
Quantitative Finance, Queueing Systems, REVSTAT
Statistical Journal, Risks,
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, SIAM J. Financial Mathematics,
Silesian Statistical Review, SNSF, Springer, STACS 2014, Statistics and Probability Letters,
Stochastic Models, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Stochastic Systems, Studia Mathematica,
Theory of Probability and Its Applications, The University of Manchester, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
The University of Queensland, TU Wien, UvA, University of Augsburg,
UW, UWr, University of Liverpool, WUST, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics